Thursday, August 25, 2011

Name Game

Have everyone stand in a circle. Anyone can begin the game by saying his/her name and demonstrating a [physical] motion to go with it. When the person is done, the entire group repeats the name and the motion. Then, the second person (on either side of the first) introduces him/herself and does a motion. The entire group repeats that name/motion and then the first name/motion. This will continue until each person has given their name and done their motion, and the entire group has repeated everyone’s name and motions.

There are many poeple who may not like this game because of many reasons.
Here are many variations.

1. Adjective Name Game

Require everyone to add an adjective to their name that starts with the same letter (e.g. Cranky Carla, Blue-eyed Bob, Zesty Zelda). The first person gives his or her name: Cranky Carla. The second person gives the first person’s name and then his own name: Cranky Carla, Blue-eyed Bob. The third person starts at the beginning, reciting each person before her and adding her own: Cranky Carla, Blue-eyed Bob, Zesty Zelda.

2. Blanket Name Game

Have your group divide itself into two groups. Tell them to sit on the floor facing each other. Hold up a blanket between the groups so that each team cannot see the other. A member of each team is quietly selected to move up to the blanket. On the count of three, drop the blanket so that each of the selected members is facing each other. Whoever says the other person’s name first, wins. Whoever loses, goes to the other team.

3. Group Juggling

The group starts in a circle formation. The leader of the group will begin with one object in hand (i.e. a small ball). The leader will ask one group member to repeat their name, and then the leader will gently toss the object to that group member. The group member will reply “Thank you, (the leader’s name)!” The leader will reply by saying, “Your welcome, (the individual’s name)!” The object will continue around the circle in the same manner, making sure everyone has received the object, until the object ends up in the hands of the original leader. NOTE: During the first round, once a group member has tossed the object,have them cross their arms to prevent repetition. The same pattern will start again with the leader adding more objects. Once an object has been dropped, the pattern starts all over with the first object. NOTE: The leader should mix up sizes and shapes of objects (i.e. a rubber chicken, toilet paper, etc.)

For Korean readers:

보통 Name Game은 기본적으로 자신의 이름을 대고 각자의 모션을 하나씩 정해서 보여주면 다음 사람이 앞 사람의 이름과 모션을 따라한 후 자신의 이름과 고유 모션을 하는 식으로 진행됩니다. 하지만 너무 식상한 감이 있죠. 그래서 여러가지 다양한 방법으로 설정을 바꿔가며 게임을 업그레이드하게 되면 오히려 참여자들의 흥미를 끌어내기에 더 효과적입니다. 영어를 배우기 위해 모인 그룹이라는 이유하나만으로도 긴장되기 쉬운 첫 수업 분위기를 풀어주기에 유용하게 사용되는 게임입니다.

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