Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ball Toss Brainstorming

Objectives: Icebreaker, Warmup, Reviewing
Grade Level: All
Subject Level: All
Grouping Configurations: Whole class
Materials: Soft ball or bean bag

1. Have everyone stand up and form a circle, with everyone facing in, looking at each other.
2. Announce a topic (things associated with a topic, a holiday, the course content, ect.).
3. Toss a ball or bean bag to a person and ask them to tell what they thought was the most important learning concept presented.
4. They then toss the ball to someone else and that person explains what they thought was the most important concept.
5. Continue the exercise until everyone has had a chance to speak.

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Toilet Paper Game

Objectives: Icebreaker, Warmup, Introduction
Grade Level: All
Subject Level: All
Grouping Configurations: Partners, small groups, whole class                                                            
Materials: Rolls of toilet paper

1. Pass around a roll of toilet paper to the group and ask them to take what they need.
2. No futher explanation.
3. When completed, tell the group that each person must tell a fact or something about themselves for each square of toilet paper they took.

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